
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011

Bad Influence

Supplies Needed: 

Tube of choice.I am using one by Zlata M, you can purchase her tubes: HERE
Scrap kit Toxic Add on (FTU) by: Toxic Desirez here
Template 21 by: Cupcake Sprinkles here
Wordart by Ame Camy: here
Fonts of choice or mine: Veysel here

Open the template, Shift + D, close the original.
Resize at 85 percent - all layers - bicubic.
Delete the copyright layer.
Image - Canvas Size: 600x 600 
top: 210
bottom: 11
left: 13
right: 13
Make a gradient with two colors from the tube or scrap.
Foreground: #49f9fd Background: #ff48b6
Style: Radial - Angle: 0 Repeats: 0

Active layer: Large Grey Rectangle
Click inside with the magic wand. Open - Copy - Paste Paper 14 as new layer.
Resize at 80 percent. Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections - Invert.
Add a new layer, floodfill with the gradient, change the blend mode to: Hue (L)
Deselect and delete the original layer. 

Active layer: Large White Rectangle. Click inside with the magic wand.
Open - Copy - Paste Paper 19 as new layer. Resize at 70 percent.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect and delete the original layer. 

Active layer: Black Lines. Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open - Copy - Paste Paper 18 as new layer.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections - Invert.
Selections - Modify - Expand: 3. Add a new layer, floodfill with pink.
Deselect and delete the original layer. 

Active layer: Black Rectangles. Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open - Copy - Paste Paper 23 as new layer. Resize at 70 percent.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect and delete the original layer. 

Active layer: White Rectangles. Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open - Copy - Paste Paper 7 as new layer. Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. 
Deselect. Effects - Texture Effects: Mosaic Antique:

Delete the original layer. Click inside of the left rectangle with the magic wand.
Open your tube or close up. Copy - Paste as new layer. Resize if need it. 
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect. Colorize the tube to black and white.
Duplicate. Apply: Xero - Bad Dream. 

Blur - Average - Filter aperture: 5. Change the blend mode to Lighten. Opacity 80.

Active layer: Black Square Rotate. Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open - Copy - Paste Paper 15 as new layer. Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. 
Selections - Invert. Effects - Texture Effects: Mosaic Antique:

Deselect and delete the original layer.

Active layer: White Square Rotate. Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open - Copy - Paste Paper 23 as new layer. Resize at 50 percent.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect and delete the original layer.
Copy - Paste as new layer the close up again. Resize if need it. 
Image - Mirror. Select the paper layer. Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Selections - Invert. Active the tube layer change the blend mode to: Hard Light. Opacity 50.

Open the wordart. Place it at the top right. 
Open the tube. Copy - Paste as new layer. Resize if you want. Place it on the left side.
Duplicate. Apply: Xero - Bad Dream. 

Blur - Average - Filter aperture: 7. Change the blend mode to Hard Light. Opacity 75.
Select the original tube layer. Sharpeness - Unsharp Mask: 
Radius: 19
Streng: 50
Clipping: 18
Add elements of your choice. I've used: 
Bow 1 n Bow 2
Cupcake 2,3,4 n 6 
Dragonfly 5
Flower 1, 3 n 4
Roses 1 n 2
SaftyPin 1, 2 n 3.
Apply Drop shadow. For items that are on the left side:
V: 1 H: -2
O: 40 B: 4

For items that are on the right side:
V: 1 H: 2
O: 40 B: 4

For the name:
Add your name with the font Veysel and Create as: vector checked  
foreground none background #000000.
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat. Selections - Modify - Expand: 2.
Add a new layer, floodfill with #49f9fd. Move the layer below the name and a little to the left.
Apply Noise:
Random - Monochrome. 16%.
Add your copyright info. Merge visible. Copy, paste as new image
Save as png.
You're done with it!!

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

My Friends (FTU)

Supplies Needed: 

Tube of choice. I am using tubes by PinupToons, you can purchase the tubes: here
Scrap kit To my Friends (FTU) by ScrappingMar: here
Mask 021 by Lyndiehere
Fonts of choice or mine here 

Let's Begin!

Open a new image: 600x600
Open frame To_my_Friends_ScrappingMar_Freebie53 copy paste as new layer. Resize 20 percent.
Take your magic wand click in the interior of the circle and select the other parts too. 

Selections- Modify - Expand by 3
Open the tubes, Resize. Copy paste below the frame. Move it to the center of the frame.
Selection - Invert. Edit - Clear. Do the same for the other tubes.
Apply drop shadow
V: 0 H: 2
O: 30 B: 6
Open paper To_my_Friends_ScrappingMar_Freebie10 copy paste as new layer.Resize 15 percent.  
Selection - invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect
Move the paper layer under the tubes.
Open paper To_my_Friends_ScrappingMar_Freebie13 copy paste as new layer.Resize 20 percent.
open the mask:lyndiemask021. Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image. 
Select the mask name from the drop down Source Window. 
Create mask from: Source luminance
Invert data mask - Uncheked. ok.
Go to your layer palette. Right click on it Merge - Merge Group.
Resize 80 percent.
Adjust - Add noise: Uniform - 80 percent - Monochrome.
Apply drop shadow
V: 0 H: 1
O: 25 B: 4
Open To_my_Friends_ScrappingMar_Freebie55. Copy paste as new layer.Resize 15 percent.
Move this to the bottom of the frame. 
Now open To_my_Friends_ScrappingMar_Freebie44. Copy paste as new layer.Resize 25 percent, 2 times. 
Image - Free Rotate - left - 40.
Move it to the left bottom part the frame, above the leaves. 
Resize 10 percent. Image - Free Rotate - 20 percent - Right.
Move it to the bottom left of the frame, above the leaves. 
Finish decorating with the elements of your choice. I've used:
You can resize the flowers with leaves at: 25 percent, 2 times. 
The flowers without leaves at: 20 percent, 2 times.
apply the same drop shadow used in the tubes for the elements. 
If you want add another tube and move it to the left part of your image. 
Resize if need it and apply drop shadow.
Add your name and copyright info. Merge visible. 
Copy, paste as new image
Save as png.
You're done with it!!

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Just 4 you (FTU)

Just 4 you

This tutorial was written by Gaby on April 03, 2011.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental.
Please Do not copy and paste my tuts or claim as your own you.
This tutorial was written for those that have a medium knowledge in PSP.
.::Supplies Needed ::.
PSP X2 or any version
Tube of choice. I am using one by Suzanne Woolcott, you can purchase her tubes: Here
Scrap kit Just for you (FTU) by: ScrappingMar here
Fonts of choice or mine: Grease here
Remember: always apply Sharpen after resize an element.

Let's begin! 
Open a new image: 600x600
Open frame Just4you_SMar_Freebie39 copy paste as new layer. Resize 15
percent.Take your magic wand click in the interior of the heart. Selections- Modify - Expand by 5
Open paper Just4you_SMar_Freebie5 copy paste as new layer.Resize 10 percent. 
Selection - invert. Edit - Clear.Deselect
Open paper Just4you_SMar_Freebie6 copy paste as new layer.Resize 13 percent.
Take your selection tool - rectangle.
Make a rectange around de inside of the heart in the frame 

Selection - invert. Edit - Clear.Deselect
Make sure the papers layers are under the frame.
Open the tube, copy paste below the frame.
Select the frame layer.
Take your magic wand click in the interior of the heart.
Selections- Modify - Expand by 3
Add a new layer. Effects - 3d Effects - Cutout:
V: 6 H: 3
O: 60 B: 25
Add a new layer again and apply cutout but with: V: -6 H: -3
open Just4you_SMar_Freebie38 copy and paste it above the frame
Resize 10 percent. Image - Free Rotate - 20 percent - Right.
Move it to the left part of the frame
Finish decorating with the elements of your choice. I've used:
apply drop shadow to all
V: 1 H: 2
O: 35 B: 4
For the name

Add your name with the font Grease and Create as: vector checked 
foreground none background #404040
move it to the top of the frame. In your layer palette
change the blend mode to Overlay and lower the opacity to 85 percent.
drop shadow
V: 1 H: 2
O: 35 B: 2
Add your copyright info. merge visible. Copy, paste as new image
Save as png.
You're done with it!!