
sábado, 30 de julio de 2011

Your Nightmare

Supplies Needed:
Psp and Animation Shop (Optional)
Plugin Mehdi: Julia World here
Mask by me: here
Tube of choice. I am using one by Ismael Rac, you can purchase the tubes: here
Scrap Kit Electric Rock (FTU) by: Toxic Desirez here

Open a new image: 650x650
fill it with any color the layer.
Effects - Plugins - Mehdi - Julias World.

Effects - Artist Effects - Halftone:

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize.
Find a color that match your tube.
Layers - Load mask: DBG_001. Invert Transparecy: checked. Merge group. 
Select your rectangle tool:
line style: solid
width: 15
Create as a vector
color: black (foreground only)

Make a rectangle about: 510x320
Image - Free Rotate:
Left - 25 degrees.
- all layers
- Rotate single layer around canvas center.

Now convert to a raster layer.
Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister - Copies
Blur (random rotate)
Default settings 
Duplicate. Image - Mirror. Move it under the mask layer.

Activate the mask layer. Add a closeup of your tube and move it to the left side of your tag.
Make a selection around the closeup with your lasso tool 
and delete the excess from the frame.

Open - Copy - Paste your tube as new layer. Resize if need it. 
Move it to the place you want.
Apply Drop Shadow:
V: 2 H: 4
O: 60 B: 9
Decorate with the elements from the kit.
Apply Drop Shadow:
V: 0 H: 3
O: 50 B: 6

Add your name and copyright info.

To animate:
Add a new layer floodfill with white. Send to the bottom.
Activate the mask layer. Duplicate two more times. 
Close those layers clicking in the "eye" Visibility toggle.
Select your magic wand:

Until you have something like this:

Select the original mask layer. Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise:
Now activate the first copy (but don't click in the eye), 
apply Noise again but change the percent to: 64
and for the last copy apply Noise with random seed of: 60.
Deselect. Copy Merged. Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation.
Back to psp. Open (click in the eye) the first copy. 
Again copy merged and Paste After current frame. Repeat the steps for the last layer.
Play the animation. If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

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