
lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011

Kawaii Devil

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using one by Lady Mishka, you can purchase the tube: here
Scrap kit Boo Halloween (FTU) by: Bibi here
Mask by Tonya from: Creative Misfits here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x600
Floodfill with white.
Open: Candy roll. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Resize at 50 - Smart Size.
Go to: Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister - Copies:

Select your ellipse tool. Foreground color: none. Background color: any. Create as a vector.
make an ellipse like this:

If you're happy with the size convert to raster layer. 
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat.
Open the paper Boo Paper (3), Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Selections -Invert. Edit - Clear.  Now you can eliminate the shape but don't deselect.
Selections -Invert. 
Open the closeup of the tube. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Selections -Invert. 
Modify - Expand: 5. Edit - Clear and deselect. 
Change the blend mode to: Luminance (Legacy) and low the opacity to: 50

Open: Glitter grey. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Layers - Load mask: HalloweenGlowingPumpkinsMaskbyTonya - Merge group. 
Send the layer to the bottom, above the white background.

Open, Copy - Paste, as a new layer and resize these elements from the kit:
Rainbow lights
Boton Boo Halloween
pendente heart black

Apply Sharpen to the elements and Drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 2
O: 55 B: 3

I've used these elements above the mask layer:
Chakira splash
splash and stars green

Open - Copy - Paste your tube as new layer. Resize if need it. 
Move it to the left side of your tag.
Apply Drop shadow:
V: -1 H: 4
O: 40 B: 7

Add your name and copyright. If you want a non animate tag, save now as jpg or png.
To animate:

Activate the close up layer
Effects - Artistic Effects - Glowing Edges:
Intensity: 2
Sharpness: 25

Edit - Copy Merged. 
Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation. Back to psp. 
Edit - Undo. Apply Glowing Edges again but change the: Intensity to: 1.
Copy merged and Paste after current frame. Repeat the steps changing the 
Intensity to: 4, 5 and 3. 
In Animation Shop you should have 5 frames.  Edit - Select all. 
Animation - Frame Propieties: change to 21.

 Play animation.
If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

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