
sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Amore Mio

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using one by Lady Mishka. You can purchase her tubes here
Scrap Amore by  Bibi's Collections You can find the kit here
Cluster frame by me: here
Mask 8 by: Gems Taggin Scraps: here
Plugin Eyecandy 4000 glass 
Font of choice 

Open the cluster frame. Duplicate and close the original image.
Resize and crop a little if you want. Eliminate: Raster 2

Activate: Raster 3.
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat. 
Open the paper @papers (3), Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Selections -Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections -Invert. 
Copy the closeup of the tube, arrange it under the left frame. 
Selections -Invert. Edit - Clear. Do the same for the right frame and Deselect. 
Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize:
Hue: 0
Saturation: 0

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. (both closeup layers)
Select the paper layer:

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise:
1 percent

Add a new layer, send to bottom. Selections - Select All.
Open the paper @papers (2), Copy - Paste into selection.
Layers - Load mask: gemsmask8 - Merge group.

Select the frame layer.
Activate the text tool, write a pharse of your choice, mine:
font: impact
Size: 72
Color: #b80201 (my choice)
Create as a vector
Objects - Align - Horz. center in canvas
Select the pick tool (letter k) and strech the text horizontally (clicking in the nodes), like this:

Move the text a little to the right side. Duplicate the layer. Select the original text layer:
Adjust - Brightness and Contrast - Brightness/Contrast:
Brightness: -125
Contrast: -50 
Activate the duplicate text layer, and move it to the left side until you like it.
Effects - Plugins - Eye candy 4000 - Glass:

Effects - Texture Effects - blinds:
Width: 3
Opacity: 27
Color: black
Horizontal: checked
Light from left/top: unchecked
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique:
Apply shadow:
V: 0 H: 3
O: 45 B: 6
Select the original text layer and apply shadow:
V: -1 H: 4
O: 60 B: 5
Open - Copy - Paste your tube as new layer. Resize if need it. 
Move it to the center of your tag.
Apply shadow:
V: -1 H: 4
O: 30 B: 7
Now finish decoration your tag with elements from the kit. My choice:
BC Amore (6)
BC Amore (11)
BC Amore (19)
BC Amore (28)
BC Amore (29)
BC Amore (35)
BC Amore (55)
BC Amore (57)
Apply shadow:
V: 0 H: 2
O: 55 B: 4
Add your name and copyright. info. Merge visible. Copy, paste as new image
Save as png or jpg.
You're done with it!!

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