
viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Forum set Latex Love

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Zlata M, exclusive for The PSP Proyect Store you can purchase the tube here
Animation Shop
Dsb flux here
Muras Meister Copies
Eye candy 4000 (Gradient glow)
Font here

Open a new image: 600x200.

Make a gradient with two colors of your choice or use a gradient alredy done.
Style: Sunburst
Repeats: 2
Invert: checked
floodfill the canvas with the gradient.

Open the tube or close up. Copy and paste as a new layer in the center. 
Go to: Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister - Copies:

Try to get something like that and apply. 
Selections - Select All. Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect.
In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. Duplicate.
Select the original layer. 
Go to: Effects - Plugins - Dsb flux - Blast:

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:

25 percent

Select the top layer. And with a bold font(I've used impact) write: LATEX LOVE (all in caps) or something you like In color white.

Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 2
O: 40 B: 5

Edit - Copy. Edit - Paste as a new selection 3 more times. Deselect. In the layer palette, low the opacity to: 60.

Open your tube. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize if needed. Place it in the center or were you want. 
Selections - Select all. Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect. 
Duplicate the tube. Adjust - Blur - Blur More

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. low the opacity to: 50.
Add a new layer. Selections - Select all. Selections - Modify - Select Selections borders.
Border width: 3
Anti-alias: unchecked

Floodfill with the gradient. Deselect. Add noise, if you want.

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:

55 percent

Go to: Effects - Plugins - Eye candy 4000 - gradient glow:

Add your name and the copyright info. 
If you want a non animate banner, save now as jpg or png.

To animate:

Activate the bacground layer. Go to: Effects - Plugins - Dsb flux - Bubbles:

Edit - Copy Merged. Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation.
Back to psp. Edit - Undo. Apply the plugin again but the setting: 
Bubbles from 13 to 16
Copy merged and Paste after current frame. Repeat the steps changing the 
bubbles to: 19, 17 y 15. 
In Animation Shop you should have 5 frames. Edit - Select All.
Animation - Frames Properties: 14
Play animation. If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

Open a image 150x150.
Floodfill the canvas with the gradient we used for the banner. 
Copy and paste the tube, resize if you want. Image - mirror. Place it in the right side of the canvas.
Apply Dsb flux - Blast. Apply Noise:

25 percent

change the blend mode to: Overlay. 
Write LATEX LOVE with the font Impact in color: #ffffff . Image - Free Rotate:
Left - 90.
Arrange it above the tube in the right side. Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 2
O: 40 B: 5

low the opacity to: 60.

Open your tube. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize. Place it in the left side. 
Selections - Select all. Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect. 
Duplicate the tube. Adjust - Blur - Blur More

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. low the opacity to: 50.
Add a new layer. Selections - Select all. Selections - Modify - Select Selections borders.
Border width: 3
Anti-alias: unchecked

Floodfill with the gradient. Deselect. Add noise, if you want.

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:

55 percent

Apply the gradient glow used. Add your name and the copyright info. 
Animate as we did before.

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