
viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Angel Face

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Elias Chatzoudis. You can purchase more tubes here
Scrap kit St Pattys (PTU) by Bibi's Collections. You can find it here
Font here
Mask by KRD (if you know her site, send me a message) here

Note: C/P means: copy and paste, can be as a new layer or into a selection.

Open a new image: 600x600
open the paper: Angels Papers (7). c/p in the canvas. Layers - Load mask: krd-mask17 - Merge group. Apply the mask again.
Resize at 90 percent.
Open the close up of the tube or the tube. c/p in the canvas. Arrange it above the mask. Change it to black and white. 
Apply gaussian blur: radius 1 and Xero - Radiance: 
Change the blend mode to: Overlay and apply the mask twice.

Open the main tube, arrange it in the canvas (see my result as a reference). 

Add drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 5
O: 25 B: 7
with the eraser tool you can remove the excess of the mask below the tube. 
From this:


Add elements from the kits to decorate. C/p resize and place them were is desire. I've used:
SATC Angels (27)
SATC Angels (34)
SATC Angels (37)
SATC Angels (40)
SATC Angels (41)
SATC Angels (42)
SATC Angels (45)
SATC Angels (52)
SATC Angels (59)
SATC Angels (68)
SATC Angels (69)
SATC Angels (77)
SATC Angels (78)
SATC Angels (79)

Add drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 3
O: 15 B: 5

Add copyright and your name. Merge Visible, copy and paste as new image. Export as a png or jpg.

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