
domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Kute Karrot

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I have used a tube by Karrot Inc, you can see the tubes here
Scrap kit (FTU) Easter 2010 by Vaybs: here
Mask 363 by Vix here
Plugin Xero here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x600.
Open the paper: DBV Easter 2010 paper (5). c/p in the canvas, apply the mask: Vix_Mask363.
Open: DBV Easter 2010 frame (3). c/p in the canvas, resize at  70 percent. Arrange it in the left.
With the magic wand click inside the frame. Expand by  5 pixels. 
Open the paper: DBV Easter 2010 paper (2). c/p in the canvas, selections - invert. Edit - Clear. 
Move the paper, below the frame in the layer palette. Selections - Invert, again and don't deselect. 
Open the close up of the tube, c/p in the canvas, place it in the frame, selections - invert. Edit - clear. Deselect.
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: hard light. Low the opacity to: 80
Apply - Xero - Bad Dream:

Apply Blinds:

Shadow for the frame:
V: 4 H: 4
O: 30 B: 4

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas. Duplicate. Apply gaussian blur: by 3. Apply xero bad dream and change the blend mode 
to: Soft Light and low the opacity to: 50. 
Apply shadow to the original tube layer:
V: 0 H: 4
O: 30 B: 5

Open and place this elements below the tube:
DBV Easter 2010 element (3)
DBV Easter 2010 element (4)
DBV Easter 2010 element (6)
DBV Easter 2010 element (10)
DBV Easter 2010 element (16)
DBV Easter 2010 element (20)

Resize, sharpen and place as desire. Elements for the frame corner:
DBV Easter 2010 element
DBV Easter 2010 element (8)
DBV Easter 2010 element (9)
DBV Easter 2010 element (21)

Shadow for the frame:
V: -1 H: 3
O: 30 B: 5

Add your name and the copyright info. Merge visible. Copy, paste as new image
Save as png or jpg.
You're done with it!!

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