
lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

No more sad memories

Supplies Needed:
Animation Shop
Tube of choice. I have used a tube by Zindy Zone is a free to use tube. Check the free tubes here and the ptu tubes here
Scrap kit (PTU) Grey Skies by Created by Jill exclusives for SATC store: here
Font here

FYI: C/P means: copy and paste, can be as a new layer or into a selection.

Open a new image 600x600. Floodfill with white.
Open the frame. c/p in the canvas. Resize to 80 percent. 
Make a selection around the frame with the selection tool:

Open the paper: GS_paper07_cbj. Resize at 70 percent. c/p in the image.
Invert the selection, edit - clear. Move the paper layer below the frame.
Selection, invert again. 
Open: GS_crystalrain_cbj. c/p, Resize at 50 percent. Place it if needed. (do not apply shadow yet)
Open the tube. c/p resize to fit inside the left frame. Invert the selection, edit - clear.
do the same in the right frame. deselect. if you're using a black and white tube, change the blend mode to: overlay.
Now decorate with elements from the kits in the way you want. I've used:

Add drop shadow for the elements:
V: 1 H: 3
O: 45 B: 5

And merge them.
Add copyright and your name. Merge Visible, copy and paste as new image. Export as a png or jpg.

To animate:
Do not merge the layers. Activate the crystal rain layer. Duplicate.
Select the original layer and apply shadow. Now activate the duplicate. Edit - Cut.
Open animation Shop: paste as a new image. 
Go to: effects - Insert image effects:

Appy eliminate the first and last frame. you will have 15 frames. Back to psp. 
Close all the layers except the background deco, paper, right side tube and the crystal rain with shadow.
Copy merged. Paste as a new image in animation shop. Duplicate until you have 15 frames.
Click in the first frame, select all, activate the animate crystal rain, select all and drag it above the one with shadow.
Back to psp. Close the open layers. Open the rest. Copy Merged, paste as a new image, duplicate until you have 15 frames.
Click in the first frame, select all, drag above the tag. Now play the animation and if you like it. Save as gif (=

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