
lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Cherish the happy moments

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Anna Marine, you can purchase the tube: here
Scrap kit Tea Party Dream (PTU) by Jackie's Jewels. You can find it here
Forum set template 004 by me in PSP here and PSD here  **new link here
Animation by Janice : Soft pink floates  here
Font here

Open the template. Duplicate the file and close the original.
Delete the layer:

Replace the layer: background with the Paper1. 
Replace the layer: clouds with the Paper8. 
Selections - Modify - Expand by: 2 pixels.

Make a gradient with two colors of your choice:
Foreground: #fefbf0
Background: #fceec5

Style: linear
Angle: 45
Repeats: 4
Add a new layer below and floodfill with a the gradient that matchs your tube.

Open the tube or closeup, c/p in your canvas, move it to the left upper cloud.
Select the part you like. Selections  - Invert. Edit - Clear.
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Overlay.

Open: CircleScatter. c/p in your canvas.
Open: DottedArt. c/p in your canvas. move it to upper right side. change the blend mode to: Luminance legacy
Open: BalloonBunch. c/p in your canvas. resize at  50 percent. Move it to the right side of the banner.
Duplicate. Image - Mirror.

open: Frame4. c/p in your canvas. Place it in the left side, duplicate. Resize at 50 percent. Image - Mirror and place it.

Open: Flower3. c/p in your canvas. Resize at 50 percent. Place it above the balloons, Duplicate. Image - Mirror.

Open, C/p in the canvas, resize and place them in the right side of the banner: 

Elements I've used in the left side:

Apply Drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 2
O: 35 B: 7

Open the tube, c/p in your canvas. Resize if needed. Place it in the center. 
Apply Drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 3
O: 55 B: 5

Activate: wordart1. Selections - Float - Defloat. Add a new layer and floodfill with the color:

Apply Drop shadow:
V: -1 H: 2
O: 60 B: 5

Color: #4d0102

Activate: wordart2. Selections - Float - Defloat. Add a new layer and floodfill with the color:

Apply Drop shadow:
V: -1 H: 1
O: 60 B: 2

Color: #4d0102

Add a new layer flood fill with the color: #e45384. Selections - Modify - Contract by: 3 pixels.
Floodfill with the gradient used before. Selections - Modify - Contract by: 1 pixel.
Add the copyright and your name. 
Merge the background with all the layers below the tube. 
Merge the tube with all the layers above, included the border

If you want a non animate banner, save now as jpg or png. 

To animate:
Selec the background merged with the elements. Edit - Copy. Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation.
Open: 122312softspinV2JEK. the animation has 81 frames. I don't work with so many frame because  it will be a very heavy banner :/
Select the first frame. Go to: Edit - select all. 
Animation - Cull Animation:

Do it again with the same settings or you can remover 1 frame every 3 frames and choose the one you want until you have 21 frames. 
You need to duplicate your background until you have 21 frames. 
Select the first frame. Edit - select all. 
Activate the animation. select the first frame. Edit - select all and drag into the background, place it in the middle left side,
back to the animation, edit - undo, drag to the background place it in the middle center. Do it again but palce it in the middle right side of the banner
Back to psp copy the layer with the tube and elements merged. 
Paste as a new animation. Duplicate until you have 21 frames. Drag and drop in your animation and be careful with the borders. 
Now play the animation and if you like it. Save as gif (=

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