
sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

My latex dress

Supplies Needed:
Tube of your choice. I have used one by KiwiFireStorm from The PSP Proyect Store. Find it here
Template 166 by Missy from Divine Intentionz  here
Andrews filter Collection 59 here here
(Scroll down and download Garbage Collections)
Eyecandy 5 Impact (glass)
Eyecandy 4000 (cutout, gradient glow)
Font here

*C/p means Copy and paste as a new layer in your current canvas.
*Replace the original layers by: Selections - Select all. Selections - Float. Selections - Defloat. and add a new layer. Always delete the original layer, unless otherwise stated.

Open the template. Duplicate the file and close the original.
Delete the layer:
by missy

*If you want, now you can go to: Image - Mirror and do this for every layer of the template.

Make a gradient with two colors from the tube. my choice: 
Foreground: #26378b
Background: #47b2e0

Angle: 0
Repeats: 0
Style: linear
Invert: uncheked

Select the layer: circle.
Floodfill with the gradient, do not deselect. 
Apply: Andrew's Filter Collection 59 - In the line of:
Colorize to match your tube.. if is needed.

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize:
Hue: 150
Saturation: 160

Apply blinds:

Apply Eyecandy 5 Impact - Glass:

Deselect. In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Luminance.

Select the layer: rectangle1
Floodfill with the gradient, do not deselect. 

Apply: - jeans:
Amount: 28
border width: 6

Open  the closeup of the tube, c/p in the canvas, select the part you like and place it above the rectangle.
Selections - Invert. Edit - clear. Deselect.

Effects - Texture Effects - Emboss.

Select the layer: rectangle2.
Floodfill with the gradient, but change the settings to:
Angle: 45
Repeats: 2
Style: linear
Invert: uncheked

Do not deselect.

Apply: Andrew's Filter Collection 59 - In the line of.
Same settings used. Colorize if is needed. 

Open  the closeup of the tube, c/p in the canvas, select the part you like and place it above the rectangle.
Selections - Invert. Edit - clear. Deselect.

Colorize the tube. In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Darken.

Select the layer: small circle.

Floodfill with the gradient, but change the settings to:
Angle: 0
Repeats: 0
Style: sunburst
Invert: checked

Apply: - jeans:
Value: 90
Amount: 11
Color R, G and B : 255

Apply: Eyecandy 4000 - Cutout:

Select the layer: dotted circle.
Replace with the color: #47b2e0

Add noise:
Noise: 75 %

Apply - Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient glow:

Apply the same gradient to the vertical rectangle layer.

Select the big circle layer. Duplicate and apply to the original:
gaussian blur:
Radius: 10

Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique:

Open your main tube, c/p in the canvas. If it is possible place it above the small circle layer. Like if it is sitting.
Apply drop shadow:

V: 1 H: 3
O: 50 B: 6

Add copyright and your name. Merge Visible, copy and paste as new image. Export as a png or jpg.

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