
viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Mom's sweet love

Supplies Need
Tube of choice. I've used a  tube by Robert Alvarado. Now available here
Scrap kit (PTU) Mommy & Me by Inzipired Creationz: here
Mask by Monti's Blinds 1 here
Font here

Open a new image: 650x650.
Open the paper: Paper 2, c/p in the canvas. Apply the mask: montiblindsmask1. Merge group.
Open: Frame 2. Resize at 80 percent - Smart Size. Move it to the center.
with the magic wand, click inside of the frames. Selections - Modify - Expand by: 5.

Open the paper: Paper 4, c/p in the canvas. Move it below the frame. selections - Invert.
Edit clear.
Open the tube, c/p in the canvas, remove the excess outside the frames.
Duplicate, apply gaussian blur: Radius: 3 
In the lyer palette change the blend mode to: Hard Light.

Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 3
O: 60 B: 6

Open: Rose 1. c/p in the canvas, move it to the right side of the frame. 
Resize until you're satisfied. Duplicate. Image - Mirror and place it above the first rose.

Open: Rose 2. c/p in the canvas, resize and place it between the others roses.
Open: Seashells. c/p in the canvas. Resize and move it above the stem of the rose.

Open: Dress Form. c/p in the canvas, resize and place it in the left side of the frame.
Open: Lantern 1. c/p in the canvas, move it to the bottom part of the left side of the frame.
Duplicate and move it again.

Add more elements the tag:
Scattered Flowers 1

Always: Resize, sharpen and place as desire. 
Add drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 3
O: 30 B: 5

Add copyright and your name. Merge Visible, copy and paste as new image. Export as a png or jpg.

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