
lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

Playful Kitten

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by Charlotte Thompson. Purchase it: here
Forum set template 011 by me: PSP here PSD here **new link here
Plugin: Cross Shadow (Graphics Plus)
Xero: Porcelain here
Font here

Open the template.Duplicate and close the original.
Don't change the background color yet, colorize later :)
Activate the layer: background

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:

Effects - Texture Effects - Wave:

Apply the effect again but change the settings from width to: 2
Of course feel free to play with the settings (;

Duplicate the layer.
Effects - Artistic Effects - Halftone:

Make a selection around:

Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect.

Rename it: Animated area 1

Activate the layer: wordart
Add drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 2
O: 55 B: 3

Add a few sparkles, if you want.

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas.
Place it in the right side of the banner.
With the selection tool (feather none) make a selection:
Edit - Cleat. Deselect.

Add drop shadow:
V: -2 H: 3
O: 60 B: 4

Add your name and copyright. Export as jpg or png, for a non animate banner.

To animate:

Activate the layer: Animated area 1

Duplicate 2 more times, rename:
Animated area 1
Animated area 2
Animated area 3

Select the first layer.
With the selection tool:

make a selection around the most dark section:

Otherwise the effect is going to apply in part of the background.

With the selection:

Plguin applied without a selection:

Effects - Plugins - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow:

activate the layer: Animated area 2

Apply the plugin but change:
Vertical: 80

Activate the last layer: Animated area 3.
Apply the plugin but change:
Vertical: 35

Close the layers: Animated area 2 and 3.

Open the first layers to animate:

Animated area 1
Frame blinkie 1
Inner Frame Blinkie 1

Copy Merged. Open Animation Shop.

Paste as a new image.

Back to psp, close the layers:

Animated area 1
Frame blinkie 1
Inner Frame Blinkie 1

and open:

Animated area 2
Frame blinkie 2
Inner Frame Blinkie 2

Copy merged. Go to Animation Shop, paste after current frame.

Back to psp, close the layers:

Animated area 2
Frame blinkie 2
Inner Frame Blinkie 2

and open:

Animated area 3
Frame blinkie 3
Inner Frame Blinkie 3

Copy merged. Go to Animation Shop, paste after current frame.
Change the speed to: 15.

Play the animation and save if you like it

**Another tip: I applied Xero - Porcelain, to the merged layer before pasted in animation shop.
My settings:

One more thing :)
You can recolor in an easy way the blinkie if you make a color banner

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