
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Pain is a beautiful thing

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by Christine Kotlark from SATC. Purchase it: here
Pattern dark metal by me here  (jpg colored and grey scale) **new link here
Animated wordart by me (4 versions, mng files) here  **new link here
 Texture 10 by Dees'Sign Depot here
Animation Dripping by Missy, here

Penta . com -  Color dot
Eyecandy 4000
Eyecandy 5 Impact
Font here

Open a new image: 600x200

Open the pattern, place it in your materials. Flood fill the canvas. 
Effects - Edge effects - Enhance.

Open your tube and select a dark color. my choice: #1d1a21

Add a new layer. With the selection tool:

Make a rectangle like this and flood fill the new layer.

Effects - Texture Effects - Texture:

** Choose a color from your tube or that combine with your tube.

Now with the same selection tool and holding the ctrl key in your keyboard, remove a part of the selection:

Effects - Plugins - Eye Candy 4000 - Chrome:

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize:
Black and white.

Adjust - Brightness and Contrast:

Brightness: -75
Contrast: 55


Activate the text tool and write the word: PAIN

Foreground: none
Background: #1d1a21

You have this:

Expand your text from one of the corner, then convert to raster layer.


Selections - all. Float. Defloat.

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com - Color dot:

Open the tube, c/p 3 times and place it above the text:

Activate each layer and remove the excess of the tube:

Merge all these layers. 
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Luminance and Luminance Legacy. Opacity between: 55 - 65.

Select the word again. Add a new layer above.

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 5 Impact - Glass:

Change the blend mode to: Overlay.

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas. Change the opacity to: 50. Add your name and copyright. Copy merged.

TO animate:

Paste as a new animation. Duplicate until you have 12 frames.
Open: dripping_bymissy.mng

Edit - Select All. Drag it above the semi transparent tube, place it.
Open: Animated WA by Gaby - is a beautiful thing V4 (or any other).
Select all the frames and from the first frame drag it and place it in the bottom of the main wordart.

Back to psp. Close all the layers except the tube, change the opacity back to: 100.
Add a frame and copy merged this two layers.

In animation shop, paste as a new animation. Duplicate until you have 12 frames.
Activate the first frame and select all. Carefully drag it into the first frame of the main animation.
Change the speed to: 15

**Optional. Click in the firt frame. Select all the frames. Copy. Activate the last frame. Paste after current frame.
Animation reverse frame. Deselect. 
Play the animation. If you like save and you're done :D

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