
lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Beautiful Blend

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by Vika Misticheskaya from SATC. Purchase it: here
Xero - Soft Vignette here
AAA Filters and Frames
Penta .com - Jeans
Font here

Open a new canvas: 600x200

make a gradient with two colors:
my choice: 
fore: #a0afbc
back: #cde0bf
angle: 307
repeats 3

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur:
Radius: 15

Effects - Plugins - Xerox - Soft Vignette:

**Change the Effect Type to: Foreground colour if it's necesary.

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com - Jeans:

**If it's needed. Duplicate and change the blend mode to: Hard light or Soft Light.

Open the tube or closeup, place the first in the left size.
Duplicate and resize, place it in the center, duplicate again and resize and move it
to the right side. Merge down these layers and colorize to black and white:

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay.
Duplicate again and colorize to black and white the original layer.
Activate the duplicate. 

Effects - Plugins - AAA Filters - Transparent Vignette

For the wordart:

With the font tool:

Color of choice: #84a79e

Write your text strech if it's needed. Convert to raster layer. 
Selections - All - Float. Defloat.

Add a new layer and apply a brush of choice with a lighter color: #e2ecdd

Do not deselect yet.

Effects - 3d Effects - Cutout:

Use a light color from the palette you're using.

Deselect activate the text layer:

Add drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 1
O: 50 B: 3

Add your name and copyright. Merge Visible.

Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Transparent Frame:

Add a new layer, move below. Floodfill with white or any light color.
Adjust - Add Noise:
86 percent

Copy merged. Open animation shop, paste as a new animation.
Back to psp undo the noise effect apply again but change the percent to: 95 
Copy Merged, paste after current frame, back to psp.
Undo the effect, apply again but change the percent to: 90

Play the animation if you like it save it :)

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