
martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012

Forever Yours

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by Roman Zaric. Purchase it: here
Template 69 by Tracy F here
Xero here
Penta .com - Jeans
Eyecandy 4000
Font here

Open the template. Duplicate the file and close the orignal.
Delete the layer:
Tracy.F Designz

I'll start from the bottom to the top layer.

Activate the layer: rectangle

Change the color if you want.

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com - Jeans

Make a gradient with two  colors from your tube:
My choice:

Foreground: #1f1f1f
Background: #c0c0c0

Style: Linear
Angle: 45
Repeats: 2
Invert: unchecked

Activate the layer: circle 1
Selections - All - Float - Defloat.
Add a new layer. Floodfill with the gradient.
Delete the original template layer.

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:


Activate the layer: circle 2
Selections - All - Float - Defloat.

Effects - Plugins - Xero - Fritillary: 

Selections - Modify - Contract by: 5 pixels.
Selections - Invert. 

Adjust - Add Noise:

50 percent


Change the settings of the gradient to:

Style: Linear
Angle: 45
Repeats: 1
Invert: unchecked

Activate the layer: half circle
Selections - All - Float - Defloat.
Add a new layer. Floodfill with the gradient.
Delete the original template layer.

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com - Jeans

Effects - Plugins - Xero - Fuzzifier: 

Open the closeup of the tube. C/p in the canvas. Place it above the half circle.
Select the part you like. Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect.
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Burn.

Activate the layer: strips
Selections - All - Float - Defloat.
Add a new layer. Floodfill with the gradient.
Delete the original template layer.

Apply the same blind effects used in the layer:  circle 1

Adjust - Add Noise:

10 percent

Activate the layer: dotted line
Colorize to match your tube.
I applied:
Hue: 0
Saturation: 200

Activate the layer: text
Colorize with the same settings.
Duplicate. In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Hard Light.
Merge down.

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Glass: 

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow: 

Apply the same gradient glow to all the glitter layers:
glitter rectangle
glitter circle 1
glitter circle 2

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas. Resize.
Effects - Plugins - Xero - Radiance: 

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadow Lab: 

Add your name and copyright. Merge Visible, copy and paste as new image. 
Export as a png or jpg.

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