
jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Perfect Venom

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by Christine Kotlark. Purchase it: here
Scrap kit Cut Throat (PTU) by SkyScraps here
Font here

Open a new image: 620x500

Open: SkyScraps-CT-E28. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 75 percent (Smart Size)
With the magic wand click inside of the frame. Expand by 10.

Open: SkyScraps-CT-pp2. c/p in the canvas. Selections - Invert.
Edit - Clear. Deselect. Move the layer below the frame.

Open:  SkyScraps-CT-E40. c/p in the canvas. Remove the excess outside of the frame.

Open the tube and place it inside/out of the frame.

Open: SkyScraps-CT-E49. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 50 percent (Smart Size)
Image - Free Rotate:
20 degrees

Move it to the left side of the frame. Duplicate. Image - Mirror. Arrange.

Open: SkyScraps-CT-E26. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 80 percent (Smart Size)
Place it above of the frame and at the bottom.

Open: SkyScraps-CT-E33. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 40 percent (Smart Size)
Place it at the bottom left side.

Open: SkyScraps-CT-E34. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 30 percent (Smart Size)
Place it next to the first candle

Merge down this layers and rename it: Candles.

Add more elements to decorate the banner:

Always: Resize, sharpen and place as desire. 
Add drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 6
O: 50 B: 6

Add copyrighta and your name. If you want a static tag, export as a jpg or png now.

To animate.

Activate the layer: Candles

Grab the freehand selection tool:

make a selection around the flames:

Go to: Selections - Float. Selections - Promote Selection to layer. Rename it: Flame

Deslect. Close it (in the layer palette, click in the eye)

Add a layer, flood fill with white. Send to bottom.

Copy Merged. 

Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation.
Back to psp. Open the layer (click in the eye) Flame.

Change the opacity to: 25.

Copy merged. In Animation Shop, paste after current frame.
Back to psp and repeat these steps but change the opacity of the layer to:

Change the opacity to: 70.
Change the opacity to: 45.

If you like, save and you're done!

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