
miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Bling on Halloween

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by Screaming Demons, pruchase it here
Scrap kit (PTU) Bling on Halloween by Jens Sweet Temptations here
Template Halloween 010 by Tracy F Designz here
Eyecandy 4000
Font here

Open the template. Dupliacate and close the original file.
Delete the layer:
Tracy.F Designz

Image - Canvas Size:

Make a gradient with two  colors from your tube:
My choice:

Foreground: #651212
Background: #bc2323

Style: Linear
Angle: 0
Repeats: 0
Invert: checked

Activate the layer: oval
Selections - All - Float - Defloat.
Delete the layer.

Open: Glitter3. c/p in the canvas, remove the excess outside the oval, but don't deselect.

Open: Glitter2. c/p in the canvas, Resize at 70 percent - Smart Size.
remove the excess outside the oval, but don't deselect.

Selections - Contract: 10 pixels. Selections - Feather: 15 pixels
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear, twice.

Activate the layer: text

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow:

Activate the layer: strips.
Selections - All - Float - Defloat.
Delete the layer.

Open: Glitter4. c/p in the canvas, 
Resize at 70 percent - Smart Size. Remove the excess outside the selection.

Activate the layer: rectangle.
Selections - All - Float - Defloat. Delete the layer. 

Open: Glitter2. c/p in the canvas, Resize at 70 percent - Smart Size.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections - Invert.

Selections - Contract: 7 pixels. 
Add a new layer, flood fill with the gradient.
Effects - Texture Effects - Fur:


Merge together the layers: text 2 and text 3.
Selections - All - Float - Defloat.
Delete the layer and a new one.

Flood fill with the color: #8b0000.

Adjust - Add Noise:

45 percent

Deselect. Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 3
O: 75 B: 6

Open the close up of the tube, c/p in the rectangle, colorize to black and white if it's needed.
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: darken. Remove the excess outside of the rectangle.

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas, place it in the center.
Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

Open: Candle1. c/p in the canvas. Resize: 252x220 pixels - Smart Size.
Place it in the lef corner. Duplicate, Image - Mrror. merge down.

Open: Bats. c/p in the canvas. Resize: 286x250 pixels - Smart Size.
Place it in the top right of the tag.

Open: Globet. c/p in the canvas. Resize: 230x201 pixels - Smart Size.
Place it next to the left skull.

Open: Toxic. c/p in the canvas. Resize: 230x201 pixels - Smart Size.
Place it behind the right side skull.

Open: Spider Web. c/p in the canvas, colorize, send to the bottom.

Sharpen the elements, apply Shadow:

Add copyright and your name. Merge Visible, copy and paste as new image. Export as a png or jpg.

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