
domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

I don't care

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using one by Arthur Crowe. You can purchase the tube: here 
Template 231 by Missy from Divine Intentionz  here
Xero -  Radiance here
Eyecandy 4000
Font here

open the template. Duplicate the file and close the original.
Delete the layer: by missy

Image - Canvas Size: 650x450

Activate the layers: dotted circle1 and dotted circle2 
Colorize to match your tag. 

merge down the layers. Duplicate. 
Image - Mirror. Image - Flip.

Activate the layer: thin rectangle3.
Selections - All - Float - Defloat. Delete the layer.
Add a new layer, flood fill with a color from the tube, my choice: #ff6fa8

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:


Activate the layer: thin rectangle2.
Selections - All - Float - Defloat. Delete the layer.
Add a new layer, flood fill with a color from the tube, my choice: #fff081.
Selections - Modify - Contract: 4 pixels.

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise: 
10 percent

Do the same for the layer: thin rectangle1

Open the tube. Select two colors and make a gradient.
My choice:

Foreground: #d22463
Background: #fff9a9

Style: linear
Angle: 0
Repeats: 0
Invert: unchecked

Activate the layer: Rectangle.
Selections - All - Float - Defloat. Delete the layer.
Add a new layer, flood fill with the gradient.

Effects - Plugins - Funhouse - Radial Mirror:

Reflections: 2

Effects - Plugins - Funhouse - Twister:

Duplicate the layer. Apply Gaussian Blur: Radius 3 pixels.
In the layer palette change the blend mode to: overlay.
Merge down the layers. Duplicate again.
In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Screen.
Change the opacity to: 60 or 70.
merge down.

Open one of the closeup of the tube. c/p in the canvas, resize if it's necessary.
C/p a few times to cover the rectangle.

Merge the layers.

Effects - Plugins - Xero - Radiance:

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Screen.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections - Invert, again.

Selections - Modify - Expand: 5 pixels,
Add a new layer, floodfill with a light color: #fff9a9

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise: 
70 percent

Move the layer to the bottom.

Activate the layer: wordart (colorize if it's needed)

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Glass:
From the settings menu apply: Clear glass and change this settings only:

Activate the layer: brush by agi (colorize if it's needed)


Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow:

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Luminance

Time to add shadow:

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas, resize if it's necessary. Place it in the right side.

Effects - Plugins - Xero - Radiance:

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

Add your name and copyright. Merge visible, c/p as a new image.
Export as a png or jpg.
You're done :D

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