
viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012


Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by KiwiFireStorm. Purchase the tube: here
Forum set 015 by me PSP here PSD  here
Penta .com - Dot and Cross
Eye candy 4000
DSB Flux
Font here

Open the template. Duplicate the file and close the original.

Activate the layer: bg 1
selections - all - float - defloat.

Floodfill with a color of choice. I've used: #efd9ea.
Background color: #cf98a9.

Effects - Plugins - Funhouse - Cirquelate:

Duplicate the layer. Blur - Motion Blur:

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: lighten.
Merge down the layers.

Activate the layer: bg 2
selections - all - float - defloat.

Floodfill with a color of choice. I've used: #a0d1ca.

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:

Effects - Artistc Effects - Halftone:


Activate the layer: bg 3.
selections - all - float - defloat.

Floodfill with a color of choice. I've used: #efd9ea.
Adjust - Add Noise:

30 percent

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com:

Open the tube, copy and paste above each one of the backgrounds. Remove the excess.
**Optional, apply Xero - Radiance: default settings.

Bg 1: blend mode: Multiply

Bg 2: blend mode: Luminance

Bg 3: blend mode: normal

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas, resize if it's needed.
Place it in left side. Move the layer above the background.

Effects - Plugins - Eye candy 4000 - Gradient Glow:

Activate the layer: frame.
selections - all - float - defloat.

Floodfill with a color of choice. I've used: #d9eeeb.
Adjust - Add Noise:

70 percent

Apply gradient glow but change the width to: 4 pixels.
Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 4
O: 30 B: 5

Make a gradient with two  colors from your tube:

Foreground: #d8ebe8
Background: #7dc1b6

Style: Linear
Angle: 0
Repeats: 2
Invert: unchecked

Add the copyright info and your name.

Activate the layer: Background. Floodfill with the gradient.
Adjust - Add Noise:

50 percent

Effects - Distortion Effects - Pixelate:

To animate.

Effects - Plugins - Dsb Flux - Blast:

Copy merged. Open Animation shop.
Paste as a new animation. Back to psp, undo the effect and apply again
but change the absolute to : 50.

Copy merged, in animation shop. paste after current frame.
Repeat one more time, but change the absolute to : 40.

Select all the frames. Change the speed to: 20.
Play the animation, if you like it, save!
You're done :D

Another version, just for fun :)

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