
jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Early Present

Supplies Needed:
Psp and Animation Shop
Tube of choice. Art by Shawli. Purchase the tube: here
Forum set 017 by me PSP PSD here or here or here
JC PSD Texture (I received from a yahoo group, many years ago) here or here or here
Animtion 78 by Simone here
Artistic: Sponge & Rough Pastels
Penta .com - Jeans
Xero Plugin here
Xenofex 2
Font here

Open the template. Duplicate and close the original file.
Delete the layer: Credits.

make a gradient with two colors: 
foreground: #fb0007
background : #ff64a6
angle: 30
repeats 1

invert: unchecked.

Floodfill the canvas.
Effects - Plugins - Artistic - Sponge: 

Effects - Plugins - Artistic - Rough Pastels:

click in load texture and choose one of the texture I've supplied:

For the banner, i've used: JC_002.

Activate the layer: wording
In the layer palette change the opacity to: 80.

Activate the layer: ovals
Selections - All  - Float - Defloat. Delete the original layer.
Add a new layer and flood fill with the color: #ff64a6

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com - Jeans:

Open the close up of the tube, c/p in both ovals. 
Selections - Invert. Remove the excess. Deslect.

In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Luminance (l).
change the opacity to: 80.

Effects - Plugins - Xero - Porcelain:

Activate the layer: oval frames
Selections - All  - Float - Defloat. Delete the original layer.
Add a new layer and flood fill with the color: #fb0007

Activate the layer: words
Selections - All  - Float - Defloat. Delete the original layer.
Add a new layer and flood fill with the gradient with this settings:

Style: sunburst
Repeats: 4
Invert: checked


Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:

Add drop shadow:
V: 3 H: 1
O: 35 B: 6

Open the tube. C/p in the canvas, resize if it's needed.
Place it in the center.

Add drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 3
O: 40 B: 8

Add the copyright info and your name.

To animate:

Activa the oval frames layer.

Effects - Plugins - Xenofex 2 - Constellation:

Copy merged. Open Animation shop.
Paste as a new animation. Back to psp, undo the effect and apply again
but hit the random seed button. Copy merged, in animation shop. paste after current frame.
Repeat one more time.

Select all the frames. Copy, click in the last one, paste after current frame.
Repeats until you have 27 frames and delete the last one.

Open the animation: SimoneAni78-TheBlingSeries-008.
Select all the frames, drag into your banner place it at the bottom.

Back to the animation. Edit - Undo. Animation - Flip.
Drag it again to your banner and place it in the top.

Play the animation, if you like it, save!
You're done :D

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