
lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012

Shinning with Style

Supplies Needed:
Psp & Animation Shop
Tube of choice. Art by Nasionainne purchase it here
Scrap kit (PTU) City Bling by Inzpired Creationz here
Animation by Simone here
Eye candy 4000 
Font here

Open a new image: 600x450

Open paper: 14. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 80 percent - Smart Size.
Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load mask from disk:

In the layer palette, right click and Merge group.

Open: City Scene 3. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 70 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the center.

Open: Bling Splatter 2. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 50 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the left side, but aligned to the center. 
Duplicate. Image - Mirror. Image - Flip. Place it in the right side.

Open: City Scene 1. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 80 percent - Smart Size.
place it in the bottom center.

Open: Frame 1. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 50 percent - Smart Size.
place it in the bottom center of the tag.

Grab the magic wand and click inside the frame. Selections - Modify - Expand: 10 pixels.

Open paper: 7. C/p in the canvas, move the layer below the frame.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections - Invert.

Open the close up of the tube, c/p in the canvas, place it above the paper.
Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect.
In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Hard Light.

Open: Bar Lights.c/p in the canvas. Resize at 70 percent - Smart Size.
Image - Flip. place it in the bottom of the frame.

Open: VIP Ticket. c/p in the canvas. Resize at 70 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the right bottom corner. Duplicate. 
Image - Free Rotate - Left 25 degrees. Arrange it.

Sharpen the elements and add shadow.
Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas, place it in the center and resize if it's needed.
Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

Add your name and copyright info.

To animate:

Copy merged your tag, Open animation shop.
Paste as a new animation, duplicate until you have 22 frames.

Open: FireworkYellowSimone020. Activate the first frame, select all.
Carefully drag to the left stage light and place it above.
Undo the animation and drag again to the tag and place it above the right stage light.

**Adding a background to the transparent animation.

Animation - Animation Propieties
Change the black color for the color of your choice, mine is white:

Apply and the color will be applied in all the frames selected.

Change the speed to: 12, play the animation and save if you like! :)

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