
martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Velvet Touch

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Sky Scraps. You can find it here
Scrap Fantasy land  (FTU) Sampler from Created by Jill here
Mask 37 by Gems here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x600

Open: FS_paper3_cbj. Copy - Paste as new layer.
Layers - Load mask: gemsmask37 - Merge group.

Load the mask again.

Open - Copy - Paste your tube as new layer. Resize if need it.
Move it to the center of your tag.

Add drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 4
O: 55 B: 8

Open: FS_leaves_cbj. Copy - Paste as new layer. Resize and arrange it below the tube.
Duplicate. Image - Mirror. Layers - Merge - Merge Down. Remember to select the duplicate before merge.
Duplicate the merge layer. Resize to: 70 or 80 percent (Smart size). Duplicate and resize again.

Open: FS_flower2_cbj. Copy - Paste as new layer. Resize. Image - Free rotate:  90 left

Arrange it between the leaves. Add all you want to decorate. I've used:


Resize smart size and apply: Sharpen.
Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 2
O: 50 B: 5

Open: FS_sparkles_cbj. Copy - Paste as new layer. Resize. Move the layer above the tube. Apply the mask.

Add your name and copyright. info. Merge visible. Copy, paste as new image
Save as png or jpg.
You're done with it!!

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Sweet music for me

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Lia.
Cluster freebie by me here
Scrap Sweet music lover (PTU) by Bibi. You can see it here
Mask 220 by Weescotslass here
Font here

Open a new image 600x600.
Open the cluster, copy and paste as a new layer. Arrange it in the canvas.
Open the paper: MUSIC LOVER PAPERS (11). Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Layers - Load mask: WSL_Mask220 - Merge group.
In the layer palette: move this layer below the cluster. Activate the freehand selection tool and remove the excess from the mask:

Edit - Clear. Open the tube, resize if needed. Place it in your canvas.
Apply Drop shadow:
v: -2  H: 6
O: 50  B: 7

add all the elements you want to finish your tag. I've used the following elements:

Open, Copy - Paste, as a new layer, Sharpen after resize these elements.
Drop shadow:
v: 2   H: 2
O: 40  B: 5

Add the copyright info and your name. Merge visible. Copy, paste as new image. Save as png or jpg.
You're done with it!!

Freebie Cluster and Cluster frame: Sweet Music Lover

Made with the kit: Love me tender by  Bibi's Collections You can find the kit here
thanks for looking (=
***click in the preview to see it in original size***

Tutorial result from LadyDragus

I've recieved this awesome tag made from one of my tutorials and i love it!! Lady Dragus did it in her own way an it's fantastic :)

you can visit her:

thank you for sending the result ♥

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Freebie Cluster and Cluster frame: Love me tender

Made with the kit: Love me tender by  Bibi's Collections You can find the kit here
thanks for looking (=
***click in the preview to see it in original size***

Love me tender to death

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one from PFD Exclusive. You can purchase the tubes here
Scrap Love me tender (PTU) by Bibi's Collection. You can see it here
Mask 362 by Vix here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x600.

Open: BIBI LOVEMETENDER PAPERS (8). Copy - Paste as new layer.
Layers - Load mask: Vix_Mask362 - Merge group.

Open the close up of the tube. Copy - Paste as new layer. Arrange it in the canvas.
Apply the mask.
In the layer palette, low the opacity to: 55.

Open the tube. Copy - Paste as new layer. Resize. 
Add drop shadow:
V: 0 H: 3
O: 50 B: 6

Open: BIBI LOVEMETENDER ELEMENTS (64). Resize at 50 percent - Smart Size.
Arrange it in right upper corner. Duplicate. Image - Mirror. Image - flip.

Activate the tube layer and start to decorate with the elements you like. My choice:

Sharpen the elements and apply shadow:
V: 1 H: 2
O: 55 B: 5

Add your name and copyright. If you want a non animate tag, save now as jpg or png.
Add a layer and floodfill with white. Send it to the bottom.

To animate:
Activate the mask layer. go to: Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Xenofex 2 - Constellation: 

Apply. Edit - Copy Merged. Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation.
Back to psp. Edit - Undo. Apply the plugin again but hit the random seed button. 
Copy merged and Paste after current frame. Repeat the step one more time.
You will have 3 frames in Animation Shop. Edit - Select All.
Animation - Frames Properties: 13
Play animation. If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Sign your name..

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Sky Scraps. You can find it here
Scrap Anguished (FTU) Sampler from Gothic Inspirations here
Animation Shop
Eye candy 4000 (Gradient glow and HSB Noise)
Font here

Open a new image: 600x200

Open: Flower-GI_AnguishedTS. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Resize if you want cover the canvas with the rose.
Layers - Merge - Merge visible.

Open: Doodle-GI_AnguishedTS. Copy - Paste, as a new layer. Resize if is needed. Arrange it in the right side, paste again but as a new selection.
in the left side of my canvas.

Apply drop shadow:
V: 2 H: -2
O: 60 B: 5

Open the tube copy and paste as a new layer. Place it were you like. Resize. Duplicate.
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur:
Radius: 4.

In the layer palette change the blend mode to Soft Light. Select the original tube layer.

Apply drop shadow:
V: 2 H: -3
O: 65 B: 7

Copy and paste the wordart from the kit. Resize and apply gradient glow.
In the Color tab select the Fat kind of glow and change the settings:

Finish decorating with elements from the kit:

Ribbon2-GI_AnguishedTS (1)

Apply drop shadow:
V: 2 H: -2
O: 60 B: 5

Add a new layer. Selections - Select all. Selections - Modify - Select Selections borders.
Border width: 5
Anti-alias: unchecked

Floodfill with a color matching your tube. My choice: #ca0700

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:

50 percent

Deselect. Apply drop shadow:
V: 3 H: 3
O: 65 B: 3

Selections - Select all. Selections - Modify - Select Selections borders.
Border width: 3
Anti-alias: unchecked

Floodfill with black deselect. Add your name and the copyright info.
If you want a non animate banner, save now as jpg or png.

To animate:
Activate the layer with the doodle. Go to: Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 3 - HSB Noise:

Edit - Copy Merged. Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation.
Back to psp. Edit - Undo. Apply the plugin again but hit the random seed button.

Again copy merged and Paste After current frame. Repeat the steps 3 more times, until you have 5 frames in Animation Shop.
Edit - Select All. Animation - Frames Properties: 15
Play animation. If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Forum set Latex Love

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Zlata M, exclusive for The PSP Proyect Store you can purchase the tube here
Animation Shop
Dsb flux here
Muras Meister Copies
Eye candy 4000 (Gradient glow)
Font here

Open a new image: 600x200.

Make a gradient with two colors of your choice or use a gradient alredy done.
Style: Sunburst
Repeats: 2
Invert: checked
floodfill the canvas with the gradient.

Open the tube or close up. Copy and paste as a new layer in the center. 
Go to: Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister - Copies:

Try to get something like that and apply. 
Selections - Select All. Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect.
In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. Duplicate.
Select the original layer. 
Go to: Effects - Plugins - Dsb flux - Blast:

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:

25 percent

Select the top layer. And with a bold font(I've used impact) write: LATEX LOVE (all in caps) or something you like In color white.

Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 2
O: 40 B: 5

Edit - Copy. Edit - Paste as a new selection 3 more times. Deselect. In the layer palette, low the opacity to: 60.

Open your tube. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize if needed. Place it in the center or were you want. 
Selections - Select all. Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect. 
Duplicate the tube. Adjust - Blur - Blur More

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. low the opacity to: 50.
Add a new layer. Selections - Select all. Selections - Modify - Select Selections borders.
Border width: 3
Anti-alias: unchecked

Floodfill with the gradient. Deselect. Add noise, if you want.

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:

55 percent

Go to: Effects - Plugins - Eye candy 4000 - gradient glow:

Add your name and the copyright info. 
If you want a non animate banner, save now as jpg or png.

To animate:

Activate the bacground layer. Go to: Effects - Plugins - Dsb flux - Bubbles:

Edit - Copy Merged. Open Animation Shop. Paste as a new animation.
Back to psp. Edit - Undo. Apply the plugin again but the setting: 
Bubbles from 13 to 16
Copy merged and Paste after current frame. Repeat the steps changing the 
bubbles to: 19, 17 y 15. 
In Animation Shop you should have 5 frames. Edit - Select All.
Animation - Frames Properties: 14
Play animation. If you like it save as gif.
You're done!

Open a image 150x150.
Floodfill the canvas with the gradient we used for the banner. 
Copy and paste the tube, resize if you want. Image - mirror. Place it in the right side of the canvas.
Apply Dsb flux - Blast. Apply Noise:

25 percent

change the blend mode to: Overlay. 
Write LATEX LOVE with the font Impact in color: #ffffff . Image - Free Rotate:
Left - 90.
Arrange it above the tube in the right side. Add drop shadow:
V: 2 H: 2
O: 40 B: 5

low the opacity to: 60.

Open your tube. Copy and paste as a new layer. Resize. Place it in the left side. 
Selections - Select all. Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect. 
Duplicate the tube. Adjust - Blur - Blur More

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. low the opacity to: 50.
Add a new layer. Selections - Select all. Selections - Modify - Select Selections borders.
Border width: 3
Anti-alias: unchecked

Floodfill with the gradient. Deselect. Add noise, if you want.

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:

55 percent

Apply the gradient glow used. Add your name and the copyright info. 
Animate as we did before.

Latex Love

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Zlata M, exclusive for The PSP Proyect Store you can purchase the tube here
Mask by me here
Gradient set 4 - 059 by Lyndie here (login required)
Animation Shop
Dsb flux here
Muras Meister Copies
Eye candy 4000 (Gradient glow)
Font here

Open a new Image: 600x600

Select the elipse tool:
Create on Vector.
Foreground: none
Background: white.

Make a few circles in your canvas. Example:

In the layer palette: Right click to the layer with the circles and Convert to raster Layer
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add noise:
55 percent

Add a new layer and floodfill with the gradient: lynd04-059 or one that match your tube.
Style: sunburst
Repeats: 2
Invert: unchecked

With the freehand selection tool make a selection around one of the circles.
Selections - Float. Selections - Defloat.
Copy and paste the closeup or the tube, Selections - Invert. Edit - Clear.
Deselect and change the blend mode to: Luminance (Legacy) and/or Screen. Your choice.
Repeat this steps in every circle.

Activate the gradient layer.
Selections - Select All.Selections - Float.Selections - Defloat.

Effects - Texture Effects - blinds:
Width: 2
Opacity: 20
Color: #202020
Horizontal: checked
Light from left/top: unchecked

Effects - Artist Effects - Halftone:

Acitvate the top layer and add a new layer. Floodfill with the gradient but Invert: checked.
In the layer palette: Change the blend mode of the layer to: Color (Legacy)

Select the text tool and a pixel font: FFF Urban with the settings:

I wrote: LATEX LOVE * all in caps. Go to: Objects - Align - Center in Canvas.

Go to: Effects - Plugins - Mura's Meister - Copies:
In the layer palette. Arrange - Send to bottom.

Add drop shadow:
V: -1 H: 1
O: 45 B: 3

Layers - Load mask: DBG_003 - Merge group.

Select the circles layers. Go to: Effects - Plugins - Eye candy 4000 - gradient glow:

Finish decorating with some stars or anything you like.
I choose the tool: Symmetric Shape tool, with the settings:

Make a few stars and apply gradient glow with the same setting used.

Copy and paste the main tube as a new layer. Arrange it in the canvas.
Add drop shadow:
V: -2 H: 4
O: 40 B: 7

Add your name and the copyright info.

Save as png or jpg.
You're done with it!!

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Under the tree of love

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. I am using one by Gorjuss. You can purchase her tubes here
Scrap All for Love (PTU) by Sam's Scraps. You can see it here
Mask 15 by Vix here
Font here

Open a new image 600x600

Open: 3LH11 - PU AFL Paper 2. Copy - Paste as a new layer.
Resize at 70 percent. Move to the bottom. 
Layers - Load mask: vix_mask15 - Merge group.
Duplicate. select the original layer. Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur:
Radius 4

Effects - Texture Effects - Fine Leather:

Grab your selection tool and make a selection:

Edit - Clear and deselect.

Add a new layer. Select the picture tube tool, search for grass 01. Scale: 50.
Click in your image, arrange it, duplicate. Image - mirror. Merge Visible.

Open: 3LH11 - PU AFL Tree 1. Copy - Paste as a new layer.
Resize and place it in the left side of your canvas. 

Open: 3LH11 - PU AFL Frame 2. Copy - Paste as a new layer. 
Resize at 70 percent. Place it in the right side of your canvas.

Select the magic wand tool, click inside of the frame. 
Selections - Modify - Expand: by 2 pixels

Open the tube or closeup. Copy - Paste as a new layer. Move the layer below the frame.
Selections -Invert. Edit - Clear. Deselect.
In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Burn.

Open - Copy - Paste your tube as new layer. Resize if need it.

Apply drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 3
O: 45 B: 5

To finish Add all the elements of your choice.
3LH11 - PU AFL buterfly
3LH11 - PU AFL Fabric Flower 1
3LH11 - PU AFL Fabric Flower 2
3LH11 - PU AFL Flowers 1
3LH11 - PU AFL Flowers 2
3LH11 - PU AFL Heart  charm
3LH11 - PU AFL Heart 2
3LH11 - PU AFL Ribbon 3
3LH11 - PU AFL Ribbon Embroidery
3LH11 - PU AFL Scattered Hearts
3LH11 - PU AFL Teddy 1

Apply drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 2
O: 45 B: 4

Add your name and copyright info. Merge visible. Copy, paste as new image
Save as png or jpg.
You're done with it!!

Freebie Cluster and Cluster frame: Hard Love

Made with the kit: Hard Love by  Bibi's Collections You can find the kit here
thanks for looking (=
***click in the preview to see it in original size***

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Amore Mio

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using one by Lady Mishka. You can purchase her tubes here
Scrap Amore by  Bibi's Collections You can find the kit here
Cluster frame by me: here
Mask 8 by: Gems Taggin Scraps: here
Plugin Eyecandy 4000 glass 
Font of choice 

Open the cluster frame. Duplicate and close the original image.
Resize and crop a little if you want. Eliminate: Raster 2

Activate: Raster 3.
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat. 
Open the paper @papers (3), Copy - Paste, as a new layer. 
Selections -Invert. Edit - Clear. Selections -Invert. 
Copy the closeup of the tube, arrange it under the left frame. 
Selections -Invert. Edit - Clear. Do the same for the right frame and Deselect. 
Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize:
Hue: 0
Saturation: 0

In the layer palette change the blend mode to: Overlay. (both closeup layers)
Select the paper layer:

Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise:
1 percent

Add a new layer, send to bottom. Selections - Select All.
Open the paper @papers (2), Copy - Paste into selection.
Layers - Load mask: gemsmask8 - Merge group.

Select the frame layer.
Activate the text tool, write a pharse of your choice, mine:
font: impact
Size: 72
Color: #b80201 (my choice)
Create as a vector
Objects - Align - Horz. center in canvas
Select the pick tool (letter k) and strech the text horizontally (clicking in the nodes), like this:

Move the text a little to the right side. Duplicate the layer. Select the original text layer:
Adjust - Brightness and Contrast - Brightness/Contrast:
Brightness: -125
Contrast: -50 
Activate the duplicate text layer, and move it to the left side until you like it.
Effects - Plugins - Eye candy 4000 - Glass:

Effects - Texture Effects - blinds:
Width: 3
Opacity: 27
Color: black
Horizontal: checked
Light from left/top: unchecked
Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Antique:
Apply shadow:
V: 0 H: 3
O: 45 B: 6
Select the original text layer and apply shadow:
V: -1 H: 4
O: 60 B: 5
Open - Copy - Paste your tube as new layer. Resize if need it. 
Move it to the center of your tag.
Apply shadow:
V: -1 H: 4
O: 30 B: 7
Now finish decoration your tag with elements from the kit. My choice:
BC Amore (6)
BC Amore (11)
BC Amore (19)
BC Amore (28)
BC Amore (29)
BC Amore (35)
BC Amore (55)
BC Amore (57)
Apply shadow:
V: 0 H: 2
O: 55 B: 4
Add your name and copyright. info. Merge visible. Copy, paste as new image
Save as png or jpg.
You're done with it!!

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Freebie Cluster and Cluster frame: Amore

Made with the kit: Amore by  Bibi's Collections You can find the kit here
thanks for looking (=
***click in the preview to see it in original size***


Tag Show off

Awesome tag made by Roni, result of my latest tutorial. thank you for my pressie (=