
viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

Autumn Notes

Supplies Needed: 
Tube of choice. I am using one by Zlata M. Find the tube: here
Cluster frame by me: here
Penta .com  - Jeans
Font here

Open the cluster frame. Duplicate the file and close the original.
Resize and delete the credits layers.

Make a gradient with two  colors from your tube or frame:
My choice:

Foreground: #f18f57
Background: #6d0001

Style: sunburst
Repeats: 0
Invert: unchecked

Activate the background layer. Selections - All - Float - Defloat.
Flood fill with the gradient, Delete the original background.

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com - Jeans:
Apply Jeans again but change the border width to: 15

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds:

Duplicate the layer. Apply gaussian blur - Radius: 3
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Overlay.
Merge down.

Effects - Plugins - Penta .com - Jeans:

Add some brushes. Open the close up of the tube. C/p in the canvas.
Place it in the right side of the frame.
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Lighten.

Open the tube or close up again, C/p in the canvas.
Place it in the left side of the frame.
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Luminance.

Remove the excess of the tubes outside of the frame.

add some brushes to decorate.
I applied mine with the color: #6d0001
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Overlay.
Add drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 3
O: 60 B: 5

Select the cluster frame.
Add drop shadow:
V: -2 H: 1
O: 50 B: 5

Add copyright and your name. Merge Visible, copy and paste as new image. Export as a png or jpg.

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