
sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Classy Revenge

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice. Art by Isobel von Finklestein. Find the tube: here
Bad girls wordart by me here **new link here
Plugin: L en K landksiteofwonder
Font here

Open a new image: 600x200

Make a gradient with two  colors from your tube:
My choice:

Foreground: #797979
Background: #f2eeef

Style: Linear
Angle: 0
Repeats: 2
Invert: unchecked

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur:
Radius: 10

Effects - Distortion Effects - Pixelate

Symetric: checked

Block width: 5
Block Height: 5

Duplicate the layer 2 mores times and rename it:

Make a selection around the layer: Djin

Selections - Invert. Edit Clear. Deselect.

Activate the layer: faded frame

Effects - Plugins - L en K landksiteofwonder - L en k's Dimitri:

Effects - Plugins - L en K landksiteofwonder - L en k's Zitah:

Adjust - Add Noise:

7 percent

Duplicate the layer. Merge down.

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas. 
Add drop shadow:
V: 1 H: 2
O: 55 B: 6

Place it behind the faded frame layer.
Open the wordarts and add the one you like, above the frame.

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Gradient Glow:

Add another frame if you want.

To animate:

Activate the layer: Djin

Effects - Plugins - L en K landksiteofwonder - L en k's Djin:

Copy merged. Open Animation shop.
Paste as a new animation. Back to psp, undo the effect and apply the effect again
Control 1: 20

Copy merged, in animation shop. paste after current frame.

Repeats the steps 4 more times and change the "Control 1" from the plugin to: 

Control 1: 45
Control 1: 60
Control 1: 85
Control 1: 100

YOu have 6 frames. Activate the first frame. Select All. Edit - Copy.
Activate the last frame, paste after current frame. Animation - Reverse Frames.
Delete the last frame. Change the speed to: 12

You're done :D

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