
viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Minty Winter

Supplies Needed:
Psp & Animation Shop
Tube of choice. Art by Alehandra Vanhek purchase it here
Scrap kit (PTU) MMMMMMMINTY by Bibis Collection here
Nirvana - Sinfinity
Eye candy 4000 
Animation by Patricia here
Font here

Open a new image: 600x200.

Selections - select all. 
Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (82). c/p in the canvas, Resize at 70 percent - Smart Size.
Image - Free Rotate: Left 30 degrees.

make a gradient with two colors: 
foreground: #256341
background : #529e75
angle: 310
repeats 2

invert: unchecked.

With the magic wand, click inside the frame. 
Selections - Modify - Expand by: 10 pixels.

Add a new layer below the frame, flood fill with the gradient.

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas and place it in the center.
Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (71). C/p in the canvas, place it above the tube.

Activate the frame layer. 
Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (43). C/p in the canvas, Resize at 50 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the left corner of the frame. Duplicate, Image - Mirror. Image - Flip. Arrange in the right corner.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (90).C/p in the canvas, Resize at 60 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the left bottom corner.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (88). C/p in the canvas, Resize at 40 percent - Smart Size.
Place it at the bottom left, a lil behind the lanterns.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (68).C/p in the canvas, Resize at 20 percent - Smart Size.
Image - Mirror. Place it above the pillows.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (35). C/p in the canvas, Resize at 20 percent - Smart Size.
Place it above the pillows, next to the golden bell.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (32). C/p in the canvas, Resize at 45 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the right bottom corner.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (85). C/p in the canvas, Resize at 35 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the right bottom next to the lights.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (139). C/p in the canvas, Resize at 40 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the right bottom, make only the half visible, duplicate and move more to the center.

Open: BIBIMMMMMINTY ELEMENTS (59). C/p in the canvas, Resize at 35 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the right bottom, between the two half flowers.

Add a frame, your name and copyright info.

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

To Animate:

Activate the black background. Copy, open animation shop and paste as a new animation.
Duplicate until you have 27 frames.

Open: star line. Activate the first frame, select all. Drag the animation to the black background,
place it twice one in the left side and in the right side.

Back to psp. Close the black background.

Activate the gradient layer. 
Effects - Plugins - Nirvana - Sinfinity:

*Change the red, blue and green to have a color to matching with your tube.

Copy merged, in animation shop: paste as a new animtion.
Back to psp, undo the plugin effect, apply again but change:
Radiality to: 75

Copy merged, in animation shop: paste after current frame.
Back to psp, undo the plugin effect, apply again and change:
Radiality to: 95

Repeats the steps, and change the effect to:
Radiality to: 105
Radiality to: 120

You have 5 frames in animation shop. 
Activate the first frame. Select all. Copy.
Click in the last frame, paste after current frame. 
Animation - Reverse Frames. Delete the last frame.

Again click in the first frame, select all, Copy, Click in the last frame, paste after current frame.
Click in the last frame again and paste. Now you have 27 frames, just like the background.

Select all the frames all drag this animation to the black background, place it.
Play the animation if you like, save and you're done :)

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