
sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Naughty Xmas Angel

Supplies Needed:
Psp & Animation Shop
Tube of choice. Art by Arthur Crowe purchase it here
Scrap kit (PTU) Pinkish Winter by Inzpired Creationz here
Eye candy 4000 
Font here

Open a new image: 600x200.

Selections - All.
Open paper: 10. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 85 percent - Smart Size.
Selections - Invert. Deselect.

Open: Tree 4. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 60 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the left side.

Open the tube, c/p in the canvas, resize if it's neded. Place it in the left side.
Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

Open: Star Topper. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 20 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the top left. Rename the layer: Star 1 - Left. 
Duplicate and place it almost at the bottom. Rename the layer: Star 3 - Left. 
Duplicate once more and rename: Star 5 - Left
Duplicate. Image - Free Rotate: right 25 degrees. Place it between the stars: 1 & 3.
Rename it: Star 2 - Left. Duplicate and place it in the left bottom corner.

Duplicate each star layer. Image - Mirror and rename them as: 
Star 1 - Right
Star 2 - Right
Star 3 - Right
Star 4 - Right
Star 5 - Right

Open: Sleigh 1. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 35 percent - Smart Size.
Image - Mirror. Place it in the bottom right. 

Open: Packages 2. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 30 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the bottom right, below the sleigh.

Open: Packages 1. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 30 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the bottom, next to the first packages.

Open: Lantern 1. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 30 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the bottom center.

Open: Bird. Copy and paste in the canvas, Resize at 25 percent - Smart Size.
Place it in the bottom center, next to the lantern.

Effects - Plugins - Eyecandy 4000 - Shadowlab:

I've applied shadow to all the elements except the stars.

Add a frame, the name and copyright info.

To animate
Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 1 - Left
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Overlay.

Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 5 - Right
In the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Overlay.

Copy Merged.

Open animation shop, paste as a new animation.
Back to psp, close the duplicated layers.

Open the next: Star 2 - Left and Star 4 - Right
Duplicate each one, in the layer palette, change the blend mode to: Overlay.
Copy merged, in animation shop, paste after current frame.

Repeats this steps matching the stars:
Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 3 - Left

Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 3 - Right

Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 4 - Left

Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 2 - Right

and finally:

Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 5 - Left

Activate and duplicate the layer: Star 1 - Right

Always remember to close the previous duplicated layers open.

Close all the duplicate layers, copy merged, in animation shop, paste after current frame. Twice.
Back to psp, open all the duplicated layers (blend mode: overlay).
animation shop, paste before current frame, between the normal frames.

Change the speed to: 13 

Play the animation if you like, save and you're done :)

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